Saturday, January 16, 2010

A New Adventure

2010 has and will bring many changes to our household. It has been an exciting journey into the new year. As we closed out 2009 we were in better shape financially then we had been in probably 2 years. Yea God! We seeded fianacially for provision to break forth and it did! We have had several snow storms also that brought work for my husband and has increased the cash flow. Yea God!

As of January 1st I started in a new position- a ministry actually. I was asked to become the Director of Preschool at my church. I am so excited about this opportunity to minister to the young children. God has been downloading so much to me in the past month about where he wants to take this age group. I have had many prophetic dreams about this in the past several years- not realizing it was pointing at this until now and also several dreams after I accepted the position.

I would like to share one of the dreams I had just recently. I was at a conference of some sort and there were people of great leadership there. ( I am only 4"11 so I am short but in this dream I was also very short and everyone else towered over me) As we gathered at this convention there was some sort of disturbance and we had to have a venue change immediatley. So everyone scattered to their cars. As I looked at everyones cars lined up they were all convertible luxury sportcars and everyone getting into the cars were acting like they were authority. They had weapons attached to there hips. It was very alarming. Here I was standing at my super hardtop big wheeled red jeep. Sorta feeling out of place. Just then a very friendly and handsome man was standing beside me smiling into my eyes and said - "I want to ride with you." "ummm well ok... I guess - I don't have a fancy converible or anything." So as we left and drove down the road the Director of the Childrens Ministry and the Assistant Director were riding in my jeep. As we were driving down the road I noticed it was a dirt road and I went to make a right hand turn but it wasn't a road it was a rest stop and I pulled out again and Bethany said" Kelly why not stop there and you can go swimming." Then I continued to drive looking for the right turn.

The impression of this dream to me was: At one point people were armed with authority to take their minstry in a certain direction/place but God is changing the direction and place and he is equipping me to go down roads less traveled and I might not have a fancy vehicle but He is equipping me with a vehicle that is built for durability and roughness and to go where we haven't gone before or very often. The guy -I believe was an angel.

To me this dream was confirming my calling right now. This is my 3rd weekend running the preschool and it has been totally exciting. I feel there are many walls that need to come down and God is tearing them down every week. He has really laid on my heart to teach the children to worship prophetically. So we are doing dance and soaking worship - currently. The kids are starting to get it. I have been able to pray with children weekly. Last week God healed a little guys chin that was hurting. Yea God! Each week I can see the handprint of our Father emerging on the children and this past week I kept hearing wildfire. There is a stirring that has started! I can't believe I have a front row seat! Whoo hoo! I would like to post more but for now I hope this gets your senses tingling!

1 comment:

  1. Yes, whoo hoo!!! I love seeing what God is stirring in your heart. Go!!! I can't wait to see the fruit coming forth from you being in the Vine!!!
