Monday, October 19, 2009

Lord what is in store for us this week?

Wow we survived! What a crazy week! Talk about a shakin! Can I just tell you that several weeks ago we declared as husband and wife that we would seek "his" kingdom first. When we need help we wouldn't ask or tell but come to Papa. And so the testing has begun.

First our oven stopped working and is still NOT but I have a long time old friend coming to fix it. Then our land line phone quit working and yes like I told my husband I did pay the bill. And then Friday night my van died ( thank you Jesus it was only the battery ). Can anyone relate? Well thats not all. We were cashless and no food (well basics like bread, milk, meat).

I know I probably come across basically optimistic. I cried a lot! The week before it was about paying our utilities so they wouldnt be shut off and by the end of the week it was everything else. Hey it could have been much worse! Really! Last week the Lord provided money to go to the store, he showed Kevin what was wrong with the phone so he could fix it and the van.

This is one of the most incredible times that we are living in. As a family. We have never indured so much. I can't explain it but I feel like a super hero super natural strength). Like a survivor. Papa came and he provided. And it was amazing!

Maybe to some it doesn't seem like much. But when everything else is taken away - what is left - you are so grateful for! Even the smallest- which in our case was huge!

So this morning as I was sitting at the computer this all dawned at me. Wow we survived. We are still alive! Yea God! Then I was thinking oh Lord. What will this week bring? sigh.... all I can say is Father I love you and I will love you no matter what. Maybe breakthrough will happen this week. Maybe it won't... but I am not going to stop praying or believing. We are going to keep pushing through. Even when I feel like quitting... I' m not! My trust is in you Lord all day long!


  1. Wow my dear you are doing great!! You have surely been through some hot flames but coming out so beautiful and pure. I will continue to lift you all up in prayer. We are standing for supernatural provision in our daily walk too and you guys are such an inspiration. Keep goin' and keep sharing. You are an awesome edifier for the Body. A woman of God I admire and cherish!!!

  2. I agree with Livin'! You are doing well, keep going. When you're walking though hell: keep walking. :)
