Monday, September 21, 2009

Mish-Mash and why this name...

I would have to say that when I hear the term Mish-Mash I sorta think well thats me in a nut shell. Not in a bad way but its me. I love everything. Ask me what kind of music and I say "well.... I like everything" or what stlye fits you best? well I really appreciate the creativity and beauty in everything I see. So I'm partial. When I talk to someone I have a habit of falling in love with them {haha sidenote- not in a weird creepy way- i have to point this out because this is just how I reason}. I tend to see in them what makes them precious. This is such a cool gift from the Lord and I am praying for more. So I am all heart. So I have many interests and one of them has always been music. I love to worship and soak in his presence. I have always loved music. I even played in the school band for 6 years. Ok what instrument do you think that was? Drums. yep I was a drummer. Not very good though. I was the only girl and I had big shoes to follow. I loved to sit at the piano and organ and tinker around. My grandfather taught me how to play the organ. A few years ago we decided to get a piano for the kids so they could learn. Can I just tell you I am guilty of using it for my stereo and cds not to play music.

The past couple of weeks I have felt so drawn to sitting at the piano and try to play. Remembering all the chords and what not. But you know everytime I sit down I begin to remember a lit bit more. Yea! Today I sat down to tinker and I just kept playing the chords I know. And then the coolest thing happened. A thought just cut right through my own. I believe it was my Lord. He said "I am so glad to see you playing again". This just wrecked me. Wow Abba Father noticed? He is enjoying me playing to him? How amazing is that?

I know that the Lord has designed me w/ many different materials and colors. I believe he is ironing me together. As he does this he is showing me who he is and allowing me to fall in love with him. I am in pursuit of being in reckless abandanment... with him.

1 comment:

  1. That was beautiful. I absolutely love the "gift" God put in you. What an amazing,tremendous, very needed gift. I am just so excited to get to know you more through your blogging. I know I haven't had the ability through church because of our homes crazy life but I am really delighted to follow along with you and your family through blogging. :)
