Thursday, December 17, 2009

Promises of provision being fullfilled

I have to do a update to my previous post because that was really depressing wasn't it? I read other peoples blogs and they are not so heavy as mine but I really feel lead to write and be honest about where we are at, for me its like an online journal... hmmmm just for all the world to see!

So last week was probably our bottom. Everything and anything went not the way we were hoping. I was devastated and spent most of the weekend criing. My heart literally feels like it is just shattering. My hubby and I were starting to play the blame game. You know what I mean don't you? At that point we sat down and prayed. That is really hard when your in the middle of the blame game. It stopped it.

This past weekend Pastor Dave made a remark in his sermon and I heard it but I didn't. After the service we were talking to my parents and my Dad said "did you hear what P. Dave said?" and I was like "ummmmm which part?" and Dad said " when you are in a place that you can't help yourself you are right where God wants you to be". Well, we are there! Ha!

This past Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday - 3 separate provision miracles happend to us. Big ones - well to me when nothing has happened and your on the bottom then everything is amazing. All I can say is I was triing to have hope that we would have a Christmas but I was also prepared that we would not and Sunday night as I was talking w/ Papa - I said to him "you told me to have reckless hopefullness but I have nothing left in me to hope".

Now I am going crazy triing to shop and plan for Christmas. HaHa! God is so good!

God is faithfull in fullfilling his promises! This has not been an easy or short journey. It has been hard remembering that and confessing that when everything is not going my way. He loves us soooo much! So much that he is stripping away my pride and showing me how to have complete trust in him.

I know your wondering what the provision miracles were. Ha! I am going to say this- that if God didn't strip the pride off of us - he would not have been able to give us this provision. Do you get that? Because that was just like a aha moment - wow. Ummm yea. If you really want to know I will share with you but not on here. Its just not the place or maybe the time. I feel like when God gets into the grit and creates a miracle I want to share it and I think we should but I'm not ready to yet. I am letting it all sink in.

I feel like there is more provision coming and I am excited! Are we out of this yet? ..... I don't know and I am not focusing on that right now. I want to enjoy this Christmas with my family and enjoy knowing that God is sooooo good!

1 comment:

  1. I love your honest heart and the way you share "but God"! He IS amazing and I hope you enjoy every moment of it!!!!
